We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! Full of good cheer and food, family and hope. 

Every holiday turned inside out is full of things like planning the food, shopping for gifts, and pulling things out of storage for this special season. There is Grandma’s special nativity scene, the ornament bought for each child’s first Christmas, and those special pieces of art and decor. The things we bring out for this time of year are things that are meaningful and we want to keep them safe. The question is how and where to organize the things which you only need maybe 1-2 times a year? Closets are something we use everyday and they fill up quickly. It’s nice to keep the items we use often inside the house. 


Enter the backyard storage shed! 



Step 1: Find the Best Place in the Shed

Do you have a loft? Lots of shelving? The place where you put them will give you ideas for what kind of storage bins to use. If you aren’t the type of person that loves creating labels for everything, buy the semi-transparent storage containers so you can see what to pull out a glance next year. You can install shelving (Pinterest has all kinds of ideas here) or purchase a slide overhead garage storage system like this.

Tip: glam it up by going to a place like Hobby Lobby or Michael’s to stock up on Christmas gift boxes. They often have big sales after Christmas and it would be the perfect time to replace old ornaments or buy boxes to store the ones you have. Bonus, next year pulling out Christmas decor will feel like opening the first gifts of the season.  


Step 2: Consider overhead storage

For things you don’t need to access more than once a year, overhead storage is amazing! Artificial Christmas trees are great to go up and out of the way in sheds with storage lofts!  What you buy depends on what kind of shed you have purchased, but these ideas can work in almost any space. 

Bonus: it keeps it out of your line of sight and maximizes storage space.  


Step 3: Gather all the decorations into one place before sorting. 



This way you can see what you have and what needs to go or stay for next year. You can sort by ornaments, lights, art, and things like figurines so that it doesn’t get all scrambled for next year. 

Tip: keep a few of the cardboard tubes from paper towels and use them to wrap up Christmas lights. Swirl a few pieces of twine around the lights to keep it neat. Next year unrolling will be three times as easy without stopping to detangle it all. 


Step 4: Store it, and eat leftover Christmas cookies!

You’ve got it all into boxes, congratulations! Round up the family and get all the boxes and containers into the storage shed. Remember that while Christmas is over we can still find small ways to celebrate throughout the year to keep life fun and interesting. Pull out the leftover cookies and make a list of fun ways to celebrate the remaining season of winter. You did it! 


Happy New Year from Sheds by Design! 

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